Each co-ordinator of the meditation classes offered by TRUEPEACETODAYTM has spent many years spiritually developing themselves through tried and proven spiritual practices he/she has studied in Aquarian Foundation®. Find out more at https://aquarianfoundation.com.

 In most cases, the coordinators have attended classes for advanced spiritual development for over 20 years. Each of our coordinators is willing to share their favorite meditation practice with you. The meditation classes offered through TRUEACETODAYTM are as unique and as individual as the co-ordinator giving the class.

The idea to present meditation classes to local communities is not a new one. There are many people and organizations who teach meditation today.  With the world around us changing so rapidly, it is clear that the stress level for each of us is compounded and the need for peace and order is becoming greater and greater.  Meditation can help one cope with the growing stress.

TruePeaceTodayTM meditation classes were created because it became clear to us that there was a great deal of confusion among many people as to which meditation practice was "right."   We feel that no one type of meditation is necessarily "right" or  "wrong." One type of meditation will not necessarily meet everyone's needs because we are all so very different. Through experience, we have found that it is helpful to have guidelines as a base for a powerful meditation experience. We share our personal favorite meditation practices with you.  Then you decide how you want to meditate!

TruePeaceTodayTM meditation classes are available to people from all walks of life who have a sincere desire to find peace, balance, order, and harmony in their lives. TruePeaceTodayTM meditation classes can help you become less reactionary to the daily dramas of life.  This does not mean that you will not be affected by issues and problems, it means that you will have the mental and emotional tools to face difficult issues in a calm, intelligent and more orderly way.  Once you have found your center, by and through daily meditation and contemplation, you will find yourself more responsive to your Higher self as opposed to the lower negative nature.

We do not require you to be affiliated with any spiritual group or have any particular level of skill or training in meditation.

We do ask that you be supportive of our affirmation for peace, balance, order, and harmony by your regularly participating in an active meditation by yourself or with a group of like-minded individuals.


Meditation classes in TRUEPEACETODAYTM are for all levels of growth and spiritual development.  As we each learn how to deal better with the stresses of everyday living, our combined effort at being more peaceful, more balanced and more orderly, will directly affect our society for the better.   All Sincere persons are welcome to join in with us. REGISTER TODAY.

TruePeaceTodayTM Meditation classes
are open to beginning and advanced meditators. 



Once you start a disciplined practice of meditation on a regular basis,  you will see the benefits manifest in your emotional and mental  responses in your life journey.                


 The world we live in is fraught with disease disorder and chaos, not only on the physical level, but also on the spiritual, emotional, vibrational and mental level. Many of us are in great need to decompress from daily stress of life. We need to do this in a balanced and orderly way. We need to make sense of who we are.



Our philosophy is that  there are as many types of meditation as there are people

Certainly, there are various disciplines in meditation that one can follow, but in the long run, it all depends on your own preference. 


Our meditation classes are as unique as the

co-ordinator running the class. The most important aspect of meditation is to practice!